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Ein Programm für Schachprobleme

Un programme pour les problèmes d'échecs
by Jan Nowakowski

Un programma per la soluzione
di problemi di scacchi

Un programa especialista
en problemas de ajedrez
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ChessExplorer   version 6.31
Download ChessExplorer ,  416 KB
Terms of using


ChessExplorer is a program intended mainly for solving typical chess problems: direct mates, selfmates, helpmates as well as seriesmovers.
He has additional options: The program is built according to the general principle that absolutely all possible moves are tested and all existing solutions are found exactly ("brute force" method - using large computing power of modern computers). The optimized algorithm allows a standard computer to analyze tens of millions of moves within a second (approximately 120 processor clock cycles per move).

Shareware - can be used within one month from the date of installation. If you use it after this date, the program must be registered (details in the "Info" option of the program and here).


Additional options:
Solving problems.

Creating problems.

Option "Positions" ( "8-Queens non-attacked" ).

Option "Positions" ( "Maximum of attacking squares" ).


Jan Nowakowski

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